The investment house finally went live on Airbnb on March 15th! Here’s the recap of the preparation and the bookings through the end of the month.
The remaining bathroom renovation costs finally occurred in March after about 2 weeks of work. We are very happy with the results and how it turned out. You can read more about those specific results here. That final 2/3 of payment was $7,191 but we were ready for it so just add it in!.
We did have a house warming party with the neighbors and other friends as a bit of a grand opening. Everyone was very happy with the results and I was especially happy with how Jamie really brought the house together in 2.5 months!
The finally monthly expenses for the house to get to an opening state was $8,509! The year-to-date expenses to get this house up and running to a completed state was $17,295!
Unfortunately, there were no bookings for the 2 weeks the house was available. We are expecting some income in April so stand by for next month’s recap to see how the eclipse month worked out for us. We are also starting to see what our regular expenses will be like water, electricity, gas, and other utilities as those prices start to be a bit more predictable..and probably higher than what we are using right now.
“Myinvestmentstory” is for informational purposes only, you should not construe any such information or other material as legal, tax, investment, financial, or other advice. More disclaimer information here.